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To show that ( A \oplus B = (A \cup B) - (A \cap B) ), we need to prove two inclusions.

For the first inclusion, let ( x \in A \oplus B ). This means that ( x ) is in exactly one of ( A ) or ( B ), but not both. Therefore, ( x ) is in ( A ) or ( B ), but not in their intersection. Hence, ( x \in (A \cup B) - (A \cap B) ).

For the second inclusion, let ( x \in (A \cup B) - (A \cap B) ). This means that ( x ) is in either ( A ) or ( B ), but not in their intersection. Thus, ( x ) is in exactly one of ( A ) or ( B ), leading to ( x \in A \oplus B ).

Therefore, we have shown that ( A \oplus B = (A \cup B) - (A \cap B) ).

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Q: Show that a xor b a union b - a intersect b?
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Prove if a union c equals b union c and a intersect c equals b intersect c then a equals b?

suppose x is in B. there are two cases you have to consider. 1. x is in A. 2. x is not in A Case 1: x is in A. x is also in B. then x is in A intersection B. Since A intersection B = A intersection C, then this means x is in A intersection C. this implies that x is in C. Case 2: x is not in A. then x is in B. We know that x is in A union B. Since A union B = A union C, this means that x is in A or x is in C. since x is not in A, it follows that x is in C. We have shown that B is a subset of C. To show that C is subset of B, we do the same as above.

Show that A union B is not a convex set?

In some cases, A union B is convex, but in general this may not be true. Consider two sets A, B (subsets of Rn) such that A intersect B is the null set. Now choose a point x in A, and y in B. If a set is to be convex, then all points on the line tx + (1-t)y (0

The quantity of A intersect at B intersect at C is equal to C intersect at the quantity of A intersect at B?

all major intersection have various other signs offering information to road users

Give an example to show that if A union B and A intersection B be given then A and B may not be uniquely determined?

The set A union B can be decomposed into three disjoint sub sets A\ (A int B), B\(A int B), and (A int B). So in this case (A union B) and (A int B) are fixed but "moving" elelments from A\ (A int B) into B\(A int B) will not affect (A union B) and (A int B). You should be able to fill in the details now.

How From the truth table of an X-OR gate write the X-OR equivalent equation by using NOT OR and AND gate?

a XOR bis equivalent to: (a AND NOT b) OR (b AND NOT a)

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