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Q: Shows how volume changes over time?
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What graph shows how volume changes over time in excel?


What shows trends over time?

A line graph shows changes (or trends) over time.

What shows changes over period of time?

A line chart.

What type of graph best shows how something changes over a period of time?

A line graph shows change over a period of time.

What does a stem-and-leaf plot show?

It shows how data changes over time

What displays or shows how data changes over a priod of time?

line graph

Examples of graphical analysis of motion?

Position-time graph: Shows how the object's position changes over time. Velocity-time graph: Indicates how the object's velocity changes over time. Acceleration-time graph: Illustrates how the object's acceleration changes over time. Displacement-time graph: Reflects how the object's displacement changes over time.

What graph shows trends and how data changes over time?

A line graph would show this.

Is volume an example of rate?

No, volume is not an example of rate. Volume is a measure of the amount of space occupied by an object or substance, while rate is a measure of how something changes over time. Volume does not involve a time component like rate does.

Use geology in a sentence about evidence of evolution?

small geological changes over time can lead to big changes like the grand canyon. this shows that the earth is very old.

What is the visual representation of sound?

Sound waves are typically represented visually as waveforms, which depict the amplitude (volume) of the sound over time. These waveforms can be displayed as a series of peaks and troughs on a graph or as a waveform in audio editing software. Additionally, sound can be represented in a spectrogram, which shows how the sound's frequency content changes over time.

What graph shows a trend over time?

A line graph shows a trend over time.