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Q: Which type of gragh shows how something changes over time?
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What type of graph best shows how something changes over a period of time?

A line graph shows change over a period of time.

What shows trends over time?

A line graph shows changes (or trends) over time.

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What shows changes over period of time?

A line chart.

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What is time series all about?

Answer: it tells the time about something in different ways Answer: It's a graph that shows how something changes over time. You may want to check the Wikipedia article "Time series" for more information.

What does a stem-and-leaf plot show?

It shows how data changes over time

What displays or shows how data changes over a priod of time?

line graph

What is meant by succession changes over time?

To have something done

What graph shows trends and how data changes over time?

A line graph would show this.

Which data can best be represented by a line chart?

The data that can best be represented by a line chart is time series data. This type of data shows how something changes over a long or short period of time.

What is something that changes position over time?

A person walking is an example of a change in position over time.