40:72 = 5:9
Yes. 352/100
1654, as a simplified ratio, is 1654/1.
17:23 is the tidiest ratio.
To divide the numerator and the denominator of a ratio by the same factor means to simplify or reduce the ratio. This is done by dividing both numbers in the ratio by their greatest common factor, which results in an equivalent ratio.
The ratio is simply 4:40. You could, if you so wished, simplify it to 1:10.
800/40 = 80/4 = 20
40:72 = 5:9
It is simply 60:40. You could simplify that to 3:2.
0.6/2.4 = 0.1/4 = 1/40
simplify the ratio 18b^2 to 45b
Yes. 352/100
1654, as a simplified ratio, is 1654/1.
17:23 is the tidiest ratio.
Yes, if you simplify them down you will get the same ratio. 1:4