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Q: Size of shadows every hour of the day?
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What is the size of shadows at mid-day?

its longer!

What causes shadows to change size and direction during a day?

The angle of the earth to the sun changes the direction and size of shadows during the day. Since the earth rotates giving us night and day, the angle at which the suns light is hitting the earth(and you) determine the size/shape of the shadow

How can shadows change over time?

Shadows change over time as the position of the light source changes, such as the sun moving across the sky or objects blocking the light. Additionally, shadows can also change in length and direction as objects move relative to the light source. Atmospheric conditions can also affect the appearance of shadows over time.

What is the cause of the change in the size and position of the shadows during the day?

The movement of the sun across the sky is the primary cause of the change in size and position of shadows throughout the day. Shadows are longest and positioned to the west in the morning, shortest at solar noon, and lengthen and shift eastward as the sun sets. This change is a result of the sun's changing angle of elevation relative to objects on Earth's surface.

How often do cells change?

Cells in the human body are constantly changing through processes such as cell division, growth, and repair. The rate of cell turnover varies depending on the tissue type and age, with some cells turning over rapidly (like skin cells) and others more slowly (like neurons). Overall, the turnover of cells helps to maintain the health and function of our tissues and organs.

How shadows change size during a day?

shadow will become short when it was xiawu and no shadow at night! haha At noon, when the sun aerial, and shadows is the shortest. When the sun goes down, the shadows change into the longest.

What day of the year are shadows the shortest?

The day when your shadow is the shortest depends on where you are on the Earth. * In the northern hemisphere it is when the sun is the highest in the sky. The day of the Summer Solstice * .In the southern hemisphere it is when the sun is the highest in the sky. The day of the Winter Solstice. * At the equator the sun is directly overhead and your shadow is at its minimum at each of the equinoxes

What kind of food does a person that do exercise 1 hour a day need?

Meat, fruit, vegetables, and grains the size of your palm three times a day every day with lots of water in between meals.


All the time/ every hour and every day.

What is the death rate per hour worldwide?

The death rate per hour worldwide is approximately 6,321 deaths per hour, based on an estimated global death rate of around 151,600 people per day. This figure can vary based on factors such as population size, healthcare infrastructure, and other variables.

What is cause of the changen in the size and position ofg shadows during the day?

the sun is almost going to set down.

Is heat currently escaping from the interior of the Earth?

Every second of every hour of every day.