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P = F/A = 20/(5*2) = 2 Pascals.

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Q: Solve for pressure when given a force of 20 new tons on an area of 5 meters by 2 meters?
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What is the formula in calculating pressure when given force and acceleration?

There is not enough information to calculate pressure. Here are some relevant formulae: Force = mass x acceleration Pressure = force / area

How do you find the mass if you are given the pressure and area?

we know pressure = force/area we can calculate force from this equation therefore force =mass *acceleration a=9.8 finally we obtain the mass.

What is pressure force?

Pressure is defined as the following Pressure = force / area. So what this means is pressure is how much force is exerted over a area of given size. For examle a concrete slab is on the floor this slab has a width of 2m and a length of 2 m its area is 2 x 2 which gives 2m Squared. Its force it exerts is 1000 newtons ok what the hell does this mean? if you place this in the formula you will get pressure = 1000/4 Pressure = 250 newtons per square metre. I hope this answers you question on what pressure is.

How much force is needed to stop a car that weighs 500kg and is going at 30 meters per second?

Depends on the amount of time we are given to stop the car. Force = mass x acceleration If we are given 1000 000 seconds to stop the car Force = 500kg * 30/1000000 = 0.015N

A car with a mass of 2000 kilograms is moving around a circular curve at a uniform velocity of 25 meters per second the curve has a radius of 80 meters what is the centripetal force on the car?

Force is given by Newton's second law: F = ma where F is the force, m is the mass and a is the acceleration. F=2000kg x (25 m/s)2 / 80 meters 15,625n

Related questions

How do you find pressure if force and area is given?

Pressure is calculated by dividing the force applied (in Newtons) by the area over which the force is distributed (in square meters). The formula for pressure is: Pressure = Force / Area. Make sure that the unit of force is in Newtons and the unit of area is in square meters for accurate calculations.

How do you find area if force and pressure given?

To find area, you can use the formula: pressure = force/area. Rearrange the formula to solve for area: area = force/pressure. Plug in the given force and pressure values to calculate the area.

How do you find pressure given force and area?

P = F/A, so Area = Force/Pressure

How does pressure depend on area and force?

Pressure is calculated by dividing the force applied over a surface area. Therefore, pressure is directly proportional to force and inversely proportional to area. This means that if the same force is applied over a smaller area, the pressure will be greater compared to applying the force over a larger area.

What happens to pressure when force is increased?

When force is increased, pressure also increases. Pressure is directly proportional to force, according to the formula Pressure = Force/Area. This means that the more force applied over a given area, the higher the pressure will be.

An example of an object with pressure force area?

Our atmospheric pressure is the pressure at any given point in the Earth's atmosphere. In most circumstances atmospheric pressure is closely approximated by the hydrostatic pressure caused by the weight of air above the measurement point.Formula: Pressure p = force F / area APressure p in pascals (Pa)Force F in newtons / square meters (m²)Area A in sqare meters (m)The standard atmosphere, symbol: atm, is a unit of pressure and is defined as being precisely equal to 101325 pascals.

What is a force that relates to the amount of force put on a given surface area?


When air exerts a force it is called?

When air exerts a force, it is called air pressure. Air pressure is the force exerted by the weight of air above a given point.

What equals force divided by pressure?

Force divided by pressure is equal to the area over which the force is applied. This relationship is defined by the formula: Area = Force / Pressure. It describes how the force distributed over a given area affects the pressure exerted on that area.

What happens to pressure when the force is bigger?

When the force applied to a given area increases, the pressure also increases. This relationship is described by the equation pressure = force/area, so if force increases and area remains constant, pressure will increase.

How is force pressure and area related?

Force, pressure, and area are related through the equation pressure = force / area. This means that pressure is directly proportional to force and inversely proportional to area. Increasing force applied on a given area will increase the pressure, while increasing the area over which the force is applied will decrease the pressure.

What does the amount of force exerted on a given area mean?

The amount of force exerted on a given area is known as pressure. It describes how much force is applied per unit area. Pressure is calculated as force divided by the area over which the force is applied.