

What is pressure force?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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15y ago

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Pressure is defined as the following Pressure = force / area. So what this means is pressure is how much force is exerted over a area of given size. For examle a concrete slab is on the floor this slab has a width of 2m and a length of 2 m its area is 2 x 2 which gives 2m Squared. Its force it exerts is 1000 newtons ok what the hell does this mean? if you place this in the formula you will get pressure = 1000/4 Pressure = 250 newtons per square metre. I hope this answers you question on what pressure is.

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pressure = force / area Therefore pressure and force are directly proportional, meaning... The greater the force the greater the pressure and the lower the force the lower the pressure

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Pressure is not a force. Pressure is force per unit area over which it is applied.

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pressure is force divided by area

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If force decreases, pressure decreases as well. Pressure is directly proportional to force, so when force decreases, the pressure exerted by the force also decreases.

How is force pressure and area related?

Force, pressure, and area are related through the equation pressure = force / area. This means that pressure is directly proportional to force and inversely proportional to area. Increasing force applied on a given area will increase the pressure, while increasing the area over which the force is applied will decrease the pressure.

What is the formula relating pressure and force to area?

pressure = force/area force = pressure x area area = force/pressure

How does pressure vary with force?

Pressure is directly proportional to force, according to the formula pressure = force/area. This means that as force increases, pressure also increases as long as the area remains constant. So, a greater force applied over the same area results in higher pressure.

How can you pressure from area and force?

Force (lbs) = Pressure (psi) x Area (in2)Pressure=Force/Area

How pressure depends on force and area?

Pressure = force/area This means that the larger the force, the larger the pressure. But the smaller the area, the larger the pressure.

What will happen to pressure if the force is decreased?

If the force is decreased, the pressure will also decrease. Pressure is directly proportional to force, so as force decreases, pressure will decrease as well.

What happens to pressure when force is increased?

When force is increased, pressure also increases. Pressure is directly proportional to force, according to the formula Pressure = Force/Area. This means that the more force applied over a given area, the higher the pressure will be.