Using the quadratic equation formula:-
x = 3.795831523 or x = -5.795831523
It can be solved by using the quadratic equation formula.
X= (3/5 , -2)
The given expression is a quadratic equation. To find its solutions, we can either factor the equation or use the quadratic formula. However, without an equation to solve or any context, it is not possible to provide a numeric answer.
By using the quadratic equation formula: x = -5 and x = 3
A quadratic equation.
y=b+x+x^2 This is a quadratic equation. The graph is a parabola. The quadratic equation formula or factoring can be used to solve this.
I suggest you use the quadratic formula. In this case, a = 1, b = 5, c = 3.
It can be solved by using the quadratic equation formula.
X= (3/5 , -2)
No. It is a quartic equation. The largest power of x in a quadratic equation must be 2.
It is a quadratic equation and its solutions can be found by using the quadratic equation formula.
The given expression is a quadratic equation. To find its solutions, we can either factor the equation or use the quadratic formula. However, without an equation to solve or any context, it is not possible to provide a numeric answer.
By using the quadratic equation formula: x = -5 and x = 3
A quadratic equation.
It can't be solved because the discriminant of the given quadratic equation is less than zero meaning it has no real roots.
Yes it is. The thing that makes it a quadratic equation is that "x squared" in there.
It is a quadratic equation that has 2 solutions