They would celebrate their eighteenth birthday this year (2017).
In 2014, if a person is 64 years old, then he was born in 1950.
A person born in 1947 will turn 69 in 2016.
As of August 2010, a person born on this date would be 10 years old.
A person born in 1959 would be 51 this year, 2010.
On his birthday in 2009, a person born in 1962 turns 47.
If someone was born in 1950, they would be 71 years old in 2021.
In 2014, if a person is 64 years old, then he was born in 1950.
A person born in October 1983 would be 25 years old.
A person born in 1958 will turn 58 in 2016.
A person born in 1947 will turn 69 in 2016.
As of 2021, a person born in August 1951 would be 70 years old.
In June of 2012, someone born in June of 1937 would be 75 years old.
As of August 2010, a person born on this date would be 10 years old.
A person born in 1959 would be 51 this year, 2010.
On his birthday in 2009, a person born in 1962 turns 47.
On his birthday in 2009, a person born in 1949 turns 60.