A half belongs to the positive fractions family, which comes under fractions, which comes under the large family of rational numbers.
Integers, odd integers, negative integers, odd negative integers, rational numbers, negative rational numbers, real numbers, negative real numbers, square roots of 1, etc.
Rational numbers and Real numbers
2 does belong to the set of imaginary numbers. Any real number is also imaginary. Imaginary numbers are the set of all numbers that can be expressed as a +b*i where "i" is the square root of negative one and "a" and "b" are both real numbers.
Integer, Real, whole, and natural. I may have skipped a few.
Irrational: it cannot be written exactly in the decimal notation.
Negative integers, rationals and real numbers
Positive numbers
A half belongs to the positive fractions family, which comes under fractions, which comes under the large family of rational numbers.
Among other things, it belongs to the following sets: positive numbers; irrational numbers; algebraic numbers.
Rationals and the reals, themselves.
Numbers that include real numbers are natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers and irrational numbers.