The square root of 7 correct to nine decimal places is 2.645751311
The answer is 6.40312424
6.3245553 (rounded)
405 is exactly 9 times the square root of five . The square root of 5 is irrational and can only be approximated with decimals.
ROunded to four significant places of decimals, the square root of 226 is 15.0333
The square root of 2.2 is 1.483239697419133. You can round it to however many places of decimals you require.
The square root of 50 is 7.0711 (correct to four places of decimals), and twice it is 14.1421
The square root of 2 in decimals is: ± 1.414214
The square root of 7 correct to nine decimal places is 2.645751311
The answer is 6.40312424
5.604991216 to nine decimal places
To find the square root of 0.9 to 3 decimal places, you can use a calculator or a mathematical method such as the Newton-Raphson method. By using the Newton-Raphson method, you can iteratively approximate the square root of 0.9 to the desired precision. The square root of 0.9 is approximately 0.948 to 3 decimal places.
6.3245553 (rounded)
The square root of nine is three, and that is not an irrational number.
the square root is 7
sqrt(20)= 4.472135955At nine places and looking very irrational to me!