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Q: Start at the left Name the first place value position where the digits differ Write the greater number 670256112 569247221?
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Start at the left Name the first place value position where the digits differ Write the greater number 34910023 34910295?


Start at the left name what is the first place value position where the digits differ name the greater number 1799347 1797221?

the answer is go to the left name them and you get 000256.

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For now, I'll assume for simplicity that the numbers are positive. The number with the greatest amount of integer digits (before the decimal point, if any) is larger. If both numbers have the same number of integer digits, compare each digit in turn until you find one digit that is different. The number with the largest digit in this place is larger. Examples: 1234 is greater than 430, because it has more digits. 125 is greater than 117, because in the first digit they differ (second position from left), it has the greater digit. 0.007 is greater than 0.0009, because in the third digit to the right of the decimal point (the first digit where they differ), it has the greater digit (7 is greater than 0).

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