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Despite The usefulness of statistics in Many fields, impression should not be carried that statistics are like magical devices which always provide the correct solution of problems.

1. Statistics does not deal with isolated measurement:not all quantitative data are statistical. Isolated measurements are not also statistical. Data are statistical when they are related to measurement of masses, not statistical when they are related to an individual item or event as a separate entity.

2. Statistics deals only with quantitative characteristics: statistics are numerical statements of facts. Such characteristics cannot expressed in numbers are incapable of statistics analysis.

3. statistical results are true only on an average: the conclusion obtained statistically are not universally true; they are true only under certain conditions.

4. Statistics is only a means: Statistical methods furnish only one method of studying a problem. They may not provide the vest solution under all circumstances.

5. Statistics can be misused: The greatest limitation of statistics is that it is liable to be misused. The misuse of statistics may arise because of several reasons. For example, if statistical conclusion are based on incomplete information, one may arrive at fallacious conclusions.

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Q: State and discuss limitations of statistics?
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