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Q: Substitute the values into the simple interest formula part?
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What is the formula for hire purchase?

Hire purchase is calculated using the simple interest formula, and interest is only calculated on the amount owing. A = S ( 1 + i.n) Where: A = Total amount after interest S = Starting amount after deposit has been subtracted (no interest) i = Interest rate (divide the % by 100, and then again by 12, 4, or 6 depending on the number of times interest will be calculated) n = number of time periods that the purchase agreement states to pay over (24 months, etc) Substituting the given values into the formula will give you the total amount to be paid after interest has been accrued. To calculate the repayments, you divide the answer derived as A (total amount) by the number of repayments (n) you have to make. It is a really simple process, and it will only ever use the simple interest formula. Hope this was helpful ^^

Why no negative values are chosen as values to substitute in for x?

They are, when appropriate.

To evaluate a function for a specific value substitute the value in for what?

You substitute the variable for its value. Or you substitute the variables for each of the values.

How do you calculate simple interest in javascript?

You take the formula for simple interest, and create a function based off of it. The formula to generate simple interest is: Interest = Principal * Rate * Time In this case "time" refers to the number of periods for which interest will be applied. In most cases you're going to want to solve this equation for interest. So, you write a JavaScript function that will do the math for you. The function should take Principal, Rate, and Time as parameters, and return Interest. function calculateSI ( p, r, t ){ //You want to check that p, r, and t are appropriate values and//types. I'll skip that here for brevityreturn p*r*t; } That's all there is to it. To call the function, you'd pass in values in the proper order, of define them in the call. Then you capture the returned value with a variable like so: var simpleInterest = calculateSI ( 5000, 0.12, 64 ); //simpleInterest would now hold the value of "38400." I've gone ahead and create a JSFiddle example for you in which I set up a form to deal with acquiring and displaying the values. That version also shows how to write a single function to solve for any of the missing variables. (See related link.)

To evaluate a variable expression you must do what to values for the variable?

You must substitute values for the variable.

What formula would you enter to add the values in cells B4 and B6?

=B4+B6 simple isn't it. I wonder if your question is different.

How do you solve questions pertaining to buffer solutions in ionic equilibrium?

first wright the eqn then write their concentration at initial , used and then equilibrium. using the formula substitute the values given at equilibrium.

What was the values and the interests in the peloponnesian war?

The values were self-interest.

How do you make a function table for y equals -4x2?

Choose some values for x. Then calculate the corresponding values of y using the formula. Put these values in a table.Choose some values for x. Then calculate the corresponding values of y using the formula. Put these values in a table.Choose some values for x. Then calculate the corresponding values of y using the formula. Put these values in a table.Choose some values for x. Then calculate the corresponding values of y using the formula. Put these values in a table.

How do you solve 12x2-77x-20 equals 0 using quadratic formula?

-- First, write the quadratic formula on the back of your hand:x = 1/2A [ -B ± sqrt(B2 - 4AC) ]-- Then, stare at your equation until it dawns on you thatA = 12B = -77C = -20-- Substitute these values of 'A', 'B', and 'C' into the quadratic formula,evaluate it for the two values of 'x', and the two solutions practicallyfall out on the floor and surrender, on their own.

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from the equation using the formula -b/2a to find x value. from there substitute values of x before and after in equation.for example if x is 2 use other x values as 1 and 3.

What is formula for calculating the total resistance in a series circuit with threeresistors?

RSeries = SummationI=1toN (RI) Simple answer; add them up.