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Q: Suppose the grasshopper is in turn eaten by frog how you represent the relationship you represent the relationship among these three living things?
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What relationship does 2 birds have that eat the same grasshopper?

They compete with eachother, for the same food source. They would try and chase eachother off when living in the same area.

Is grasshopper an organism?

An organism is defined as a "a living thing that can(or develop) the ability to act or function independently." Seeing as though a grasshopper can do so, Yes a Grasshopper is an organism.

What do grasshopper eat that's non living?


What does a grasshopper?

Grasshoppers will consume any and all living plants.

What does grasshopper does?

Grasshoppers will consume any and all living plants.

What is the longest living birds name?

Middendorff's Grasshopper-Warbler

Does a grasshopper need water to survive?

Like all living creatures yes it does.

How does the grasshopped and the bell cricket connect to the theme the bonds between us?

Both the grasshopper and the bell cricket are symbols of nature and how it connects all living beings. The bonds between us can be understood through their harmony in the natural world, emphasizing the interconnectedness and interdependence of all living things. Just like the relationship between the grasshopper and the bell cricket, our connections with others reflect the beauty and importance of unity in the world.

What do leopards represent?

They are living creatures. They don't represent anything.

Are there any relationship between non living things and living things?

Yes there are relationship between the living and non-living world

Why does a grasshopper eat grass and not suck nectar?

Because it has not adapted to living on nectar, but on eating plants.

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