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Q: Suppose you know that the sine of an angle is 0.8000 WHat is the angle?
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How do you calculate the angle if you know Sin of the angle?

type the value of sine in the calculator and press 2ND SIN for sin-1, or press 2ND SIN for sin-1 and type the value of sine, because -sin(.xxxx) = angle known as inverse sine

The sine of a 30 degrees angle equals what?

the sine of a 30 degree angle is 0.5

What is the size of an angle when the sine is 6352?

the sine of an angle can't be greater than 1.0

Is sine of an angle directly proportional to an angle?

No. The sine of an angle is not directly proportional to the angle. It is a function of the angle, but it is periodic, repeating every 360 degrees of the angle.

What is the sine of angle of incidence divided by the sine of angle of refraction of equal optical density?

It is 1.

What is sine theta?

The sine theta of an angle (in a right triangle) is the side opposite of the angle divided by the hypotenuse.

What is sine in trigonometric function?

Sine of an angle (in a right triangle) is the side opposite of the angle divided by the hypotenuse.

How do you figure out the sine of a triangle?

An angle can have a sine ratio, not a triangle.

The sine of an angle is equal to what ratio?

Sine = opposite / hypotenuse

How do you use sine in math?

The sine function is used in trigonometric calculations when attempting to find missing side lengths of a right triangle. The sine of an angle in a triangle is equal to the length of the side opposite of that angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle. Using this fact you can calculate the length of the hypotenuse if you know an angle measure and the length of one leg of the triangle. You can also calculate the length of a leg of the triangle if you know an angle measure and the length of the hypotenuse.

What is sine of an angle?


What is the value of the sin?

If you mean the sine function, it is dependent on an angle. For example, the sine of an angle of zero degrees is zero; the sine of an angle of 90 degrees is one; for an angle of 180 degrees, the sine is again 0; if you make a graph, you get a curve that looks like a wave. In general, the values the sine function can take are between 1 and -1, inclusive.