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The sphere's surface area is ~1,017.9 square units.

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Q: Surface area of a sphere with a radius of 9?
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Tripling the radius of a sphere increases the surface area by a factor of?


If the radius of a sphere is tripled how is the surface area affected?

The surface area of a sphere is directly proportional to the square of its radius. A ∝ r2 r = 3k A ∝ (3k)2 A ∝ 9k2 therefore, the surface area will become 9 times the size

If the radius of a sphere is tripled what is going to happen to surface area?

If the radius of a sphere is tripled, the surface area increases by (3)2 = 9 times, and the volume increases by (3)3 = 27 times.

What is the surface area of a sphere with the radius 9?

You can find the surface area of a sphere by solving this equation: SA=4(pi)(r)(r) where SA is your surface area, and r is the radius. Your answer comes out to be about 1017.4 square units.

What is the surface area if a sphere with radius of 3?

It is: 4*pi*9 = 36*pi or about 113 square units

What is the surface area of a sphere with a diameter of 6 feet?

1356.48 sq mt Another answer in square feet is : The formula for the surface area of a sphere is 4 x pi x radius squared. The radius is half the diameter, or 3 feet. The radius squared is therefore 9 square feet. The surface area is then 4x3.1415x9 square feet or 113.09 square feet.

What is the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 4.5?

The diameter is 2r = 9 The surface area is Pi x diameter2 = Pi x 81 or 254.469 square units.

What is the surface area of a sphere with radius 3?

Formula: 4πr2 Surface Area = 113.09734 units2

What is surface area of a droplet with radius of .00002?

Surface area of a sphere. Area = 4 pi r^2 Area = 4 * pi *(0.00002)^2 = 5.0265 X 10^-9 ( whatever units ) ----------------------------------------------

Tripling the radius of a sphere increase the surface area by a factor?

By a factor of 32 = 9. In general, surface area (for any two similar objects) is proportional to the square of any linear measurement.

What is the volume of a sphere with a surface area of 9π yd2?

Surface = 9*pi yd2 Therefore radius = 1.5 yards and so volume = 4.5pi yd3 or 14.137 yd3

What is the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 9 units?

Surface area is 1,017.9 square unitsThe formula is A = 4 (pi) r squared4 x 3.1416 x (81) = 1017. 87 rounded up