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Q: Tamsyn earns 28.40 per hour and is paid overtime at time-and-a-half for any hours above the normal 35 hourswhat is tamsyn paid for a normal 35 hour week?
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Related questions

What is overtime?

The official definition of the word overtime is "time in addition to what is normal, as time worked beyond one's scheduled working hours."

When is overtime?

Overtime is work done outside your normal daily hours. If you normally work an eight hour day, but work an extra hour one day. That extra hour is overtime, and overtime is often paid at a higher rate.

What happens to your overtime if you call out sick?

It depends on your employer but typically it will be paid as straight-pay and not overtime pay. Straight-pay meaning your normal hour wage.

How many points does each basket count in an NBA overtime?

its normal points to any quarter

Can an employer change your schedule to avoid overtime. I work five days a week. This week I have training on Saturday. Instead of paying overtime my employer wants to give me Friday off. No weekend?

There is no requirement that they allow you to work overtime. You are being allowed to earn your normal weekly amount.

Can they make you work more than 40 hours a week if your not available?

It depends. Normally, overtime is brought up in work contracts, if you signed one. If not, then you can challenge mandatory overtime (which your employer may challenge, because overtime is USUALLY at a higher rate than normal worktim). If overtime was not discussed in your contract, you can challenge your employer. Hope this helps, -Ubermensch00

If your overtime rate is 2.40 per hour more than your usual rate then what is your overtime rate?

Assuming your overtime rate of pay is "time and a half", your overtime rate is $7.20 per hour. That would make your normal rate of pay $4.80 per hour, which means you really should start reading the classified ads or join a union...

Who would eligible to play on the field for pk in overtime in soccer?

The players who were on the field at the end of normal/extra time.

Is it illegal to get paid a normal salary if you're working overtime?

The Fair Labor Standards Act says that most workers have to be paid "overtime" (more than 40 hours each week) at the overtime rate (50% more than your normal pay). There is an exception for high level managers. But not everybody who gets paid a salary instead of an hourly wage is a high level manager. Low level managers and supervisors still have to be paid overtime just like the blue-collar grunts on the assembly line. Check with your state's Department of Labor if you think your employer is not following the law.

What would neonatal nurses schedule look like?

Usually the normal schedule. But if the unit is swamped then it wouldn't hurt to have some overtime if you are up for it.

What are the signs that your boyfriend is cheating on you if he acts different?

well he might not be doing his normal routine at mornings, at nights, and he might be lying to you by saying stuff like: "me and my friends are going to hang out tonight" or "my boss wanted me to work overtime today". for the hanging out with the friends he might be actually hanging out with friends, but if he says that his boss is wanting him to work overtime, a man never has to accept a overtime job, and its not right to ask someone to work overtime when you know they got a girlfriend.

How is overtime pay calculated for a nonexempt employee?

Example: Employee works a total of 55 hours during the week. The employee had 40 hours of "Regular Time" (sometimes called "straight-time") and 15 hours of "Overtime."