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Q: Test scores have a mean of 100 and a standard diviation of 20 what is the relative frequency of scores under 120?
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Why in a normal distribution the distribution will be less spread out when the standard diviation of the raw scores is small?

The standard deviation (SD) is a measure of spread so small sd = small spread. So the above is true for any distribution, not just the Normal.

Will increasing the frequency of scores in the tails of a distribution effect the standard deviation How or Why?

Yes. It will increase the standard deviation. You are increasing the number of events that are further away from the mean, and the standard deviation is a measure of how far away the events are from the mean.

If the standard deviation of 10 scores is 0?

If the standard deviation of 10 scores is zero, then all scores are the same.

How can you convert standard scores to percentiles?

You need to use a table of standard scores.

If standard deviation of 10 scores is 0?

All the scores are equal

Advantages and disadvantages of grouped frequency distribution?

The advantage of a grouped frequency distribution is that it is small enough for you to get a pretty good idea at a glance how the scores are distributed. The disadvantage is that you are lumping scores together, thus losing some of the information in the original scores.

What is simple frequency distribution?

Simple frequency distribution is a method of organizing large data sets into more easily interpreted sets. An example is organizing sample test scores by the individual scores.

The following frequency distribution analyzes the scores on a math test. Find the class midpoint of scores interval 40 and ndash59.?


Under what circumstances should you use a grouped frequency distribution instead of a regular frequency distibution?

You should use a grouped frequency when you have a wide range of scores.

Assume that aset of test scores is normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 20 use the 68-95-99?

68% of the scores are within 1 standard deviation of the mean -80, 120 95% of the scores are within 2 standard deviations of the mean -60, 140 99.7% of the scores are within 3 standard deviations of the mean -40, 180

What is a negative frequency distribution?

If most the population has many high scores, the distribution is negatively skewed. If most have many low scores, it is positively skewed

How are the Wechsler Intelligence Scales scored?

The Wechsler Intelligence Scales are scored by comparing an individual's raw scores on various subtests to a normative sample of the same age group. These raw scores are then converted into standard scores (with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15) for each subtest, as well as composite scores such as the Full Scale IQ score. The final scores can provide valuable information about an individual's cognitive abilities in comparison to their peers.