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It's the oxygen.

Since oxygen doesn't dissolve into nitrogen - air is a mixture, not a solution - you can't call it the solute and the nitrogen the solvent, which may have been the answer you thought you were going to get.

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Q: The air you breathe is made of 21 percent oxygen and 78 percent nitrogen The oxygen in air is the?
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What constitute 78 percent of air?

78 percent of air is nitrogen. Oxygen makes up about 21 percent of the air we breathe, while the remaining 1 percent is made up of other gases like argon, carbon dioxide, and trace gases.

What is air made out of?

air is made of 19.98 percent oxygen 79 percent nitrogen and 2 percent carbon

What 99 percent of the atmosphere is made up of either oxygen or .?


What is 99 percent of the atmosphere is made up of either oxygen or?

Nitrogen. Oxygen makes up approximately 21% of the Earth's atmosphere, while nitrogen makes up about 78%. Together, they account for the vast majority of the gases present in the atmosphere.

Do you breathe in Nitrogen when inhale?

Yes: Because air contains both nitrogen and oxygen and inhaling brings air in gas phase into contact with the lungs, it is impossible to breathe under normal conditions without inhaling nitrogen.

What is made up of 62 percent Hydrogen 24 percent Oxygen 12 percent Carbon and 1 percent Nitrogen?

The atmosphere.

What do humans breathe in?

The air we breathe is mostly made up of nitrogen and oxygen. The remaining 1% is made up of argon, carbon dioxide and other trace gases. Even water vapor (water in its gaseous state) is present in air in varying amounts.

What is air you breathe made up of?

I think mostly oxygen, and some nitrogen. Also, some carbon dioxide.

99 percent of the atmosphere is made out of?

Nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%) are the two main components of Earth's atmosphere, making up a total of 99%. Other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor make up the remaining 1%.

What proportion of the air is made up of carbon dioxide oxygen and nitrogen?

nitrogen is 78% while CO2 is part of a percent

What do you call the air that can breathe in?

It is normally know as 'air' and air is made up mostly of nitrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is the gas that the body needs to survive.

What is the percentage composition of nitrogen in the air?

78 percent Air is mostly gas The air in Earth's atmosphere is made up of approximately 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen.