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From the information given, the smallest number cannot be determined and could be anything from 0 to 58. If you meant 33 consecutive numbers, then this question has been answered here already and the answer is 42.

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Q: The average of 33 numbers is 58 what is the smallest of these numbers?
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The average of 33 consecutive whole numbers is 58 what is the smallest of these whole numbers?

The average of 33 consecutive whole numbers is 58, what is the smallest of these whole numbers? The answer is 42

The average of 33 concecutive whole numbers is 58 what is the smallest of these whole numbers?

If the 33 numbers are consecutive then 58 must have 16 lower and 16 higher so the lowest is 58 - 16 ie 42

The average of 33 consecutive whole numbers is 58 which is the smallest of these whole numbers?

The average is 58 so, sum(m...n)/33=58. You can think of this as 58 being the middle marker for the consecutive set of numbers which leaves 32 other number, with 16 on one side of 58 and 16 on the other side. So 58-16=42 and 58+16=74. Therefore your consecutive number set is sum(42...74)/33 and so the smallest of these is 42.

The averageof 33 consecutive whole number is 58 what is the smallest of these whole numbers?


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The smaller number is (74-16)/2 = 58/2 = 29

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