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Balloons and sattilites

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Q: The collecting of weather data in the last 40 years has been improved mostly by?
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When did welcome finance go bankrupt?

Welcome Finance went bankrupt sometime in 2009. It was in receivership for several years after that still collecting on its debts.

What did Pythagorus do?

Pythagorus discovered the triangular theorem but he didn't invent it because the Babylons knew about it hundreds of years before he just found about it later in which ways improved it a bit!

How do find the probability that it will rain or snow in a given day?

The simplest - and not very useful - method is to establish how many days in the year it rains or snows. Then that number, divided by 365 (or 365.25) is the probability that it will rain or snow on a given day. You can improve on that estimate by considering data for only the days on which it rained or snowed during the relevant month in previous years. Further refinement can come from looking at what the weather was like on the previous day, previous 2 days and so on. Yet another improvement is to look at what is happening upwind from your location. Each refinement requires more information to be processed but improves your forecast. The trade-off is reached when the marginal cost and time spent in collecting and processing any additional data is just equal to the marginal benefit obtained from an improved forecast.

How many grooves are in a quarter?

This is question that I have never been asked in my 30 plus years of collecting coins. So, after consulting with a half-dozen experienced numismatists, the answer was: 119. The grooves are placed on the coin to avoid counterfeiting.

What is the roman numeral MCMLXV mean?

The answer is 1960.If you think I am wrong Google it.I am 10 years old.Thank You.Solution 1960.Improved Answer:-In todays modern notation of Roman numerals they represent 1965

Related questions

How did the collecting of weather data in the last forty years improve?

The collecting of weather data improved because we got better technology now then we did in the last forty years

What has the collecting of weather data in the last 40 years has been improved mostly by?

a.balloons and satellites. B.more people who study clouds. C.military aircraft. D.astronaut observations.

What has improved the collecting of weather data over the past 40 years?

Advancements in technology, such as satellites, radar systems, and computer models, have improved the collection of weather data over the past 40 years. These tools provide more accurate and timely information for forecasting and monitoring weather patterns. Additionally, automated weather stations have increased the coverage and resolution of data collection around the globe.

The collecting of weather data in the last 40 years has been improved mostly by what?

a.balloons and satellites. B.more people who study clouds. C.military aircraft. D.astronaut observations.

How has the airplane improved over the years?

Airplanes have improved over the years. They are faster, larger and bigger.

What improvements have been made to the telephone over the past 100 years?

In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.

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