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the lines in its spectrum

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Q: The composition of a star can be identified by?
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What are some star characteristics that can be identified by spectral analysis?

Some star characteristics that can be identified by spectral analysis include temperature, composition, mass, luminosity, and age. By analyzing the lines present in a star's spectrum, astronomers can determine these key properties and gain insights into the star's physical characteristics and evolutionary stage.

How do scientist determine the composition of a star?

Scientists determine the composition of a star by studying its spectrum, which is produced by analyzing the light emitted by the star. By examining the absorption lines in the spectrum, scientists can identify the elements present in the star's atmosphere and infer its overall composition. Additionally, measurements of the star's temperature, luminosity, and mass can also provide valuable information about its composition.

The set of spectral lines that we see in star's spectrum depends on the stars?

composition and temperature. The spectral lines correspond to different elements present in the star and the wavelengths of these lines are affected by the star's temperature. By analyzing these lines, astronomers can determine the chemical composition and other characteristics of the star.

Does every star have a name?

no, they are usually identified by stellar coordinates.

What were the Jews forced to wear to be easily identified?

Star of David

Can a scientist identify a star's composition by looking at its continuous spectrum?

Yes, a scientist can identify a star's composition by analyzing its continuous spectrum. Different elements emit light at specific wavelengths, creating unique spectral lines that can reveal the presence of specific elements in a star's atmosphere. By analyzing these spectral lines, scientists can determine the composition of a star.

What makes a star's spectrum appear to be different from another stars?

The chemical composition of the star.

Within the Risk Assessment application is medium risk identified by using a yellow star shape?

No. It is identified with a yellow triangle.

Which star in Pisces is the least brightest?

The least brightest star has not yet been seen and so not identified.

Is the star spangled banner a classical composition?

Yes, it is.

Spectrum gives the and of the star's gases?

composition (and) temperature.

What did the Germans make the Jews wear to be identified?

The Yellow Star of David .