There is no homophone for "composition".
The composition of your nails is yes skin.
describe introduction in a composition
population composition refers to the structure of population
In Nazi Germany in the concentration camps were prisoners of different kinds, and their "crime" was identified by the color triangle they wore.Jews were the most well known, and they wore two yellow triangles, one upside down over the other to form a Star of David.Other inmates wore single triangles of various colors; the purple triangles identified the prisoners as being Jehovah's Witnesses.Please see the "Related Link" below.
Some star characteristics that can be identified by spectral analysis include temperature, composition, mass, luminosity, and age. By analyzing the lines present in a star's spectrum, astronomers can determine these key properties and gain insights into the star's physical characteristics and evolutionary stage.
Scientists determine the composition of a star by studying its spectrum, which is produced by analyzing the light emitted by the star. By examining the absorption lines in the spectrum, scientists can identify the elements present in the star's atmosphere and infer its overall composition. Additionally, measurements of the star's temperature, luminosity, and mass can also provide valuable information about its composition.
composition and temperature. The spectral lines correspond to different elements present in the star and the wavelengths of these lines are affected by the star's temperature. By analyzing these lines, astronomers can determine the chemical composition and other characteristics of the star.
no, they are usually identified by stellar coordinates.
Star of David
Yes, a scientist can identify a star's composition by analyzing its continuous spectrum. Different elements emit light at specific wavelengths, creating unique spectral lines that can reveal the presence of specific elements in a star's atmosphere. By analyzing these spectral lines, scientists can determine the composition of a star.
The chemical composition of the star.
No. It is identified with a yellow triangle.
The least brightest star has not yet been seen and so not identified.
Yes, it is.
composition (and) temperature.
The Yellow Star of David .