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The minimum value is the least common multiple of the two, which is 4200.

We get an improvement of this result when we add the irreducible fractions 1/600 and 3/700 . Their sum is 1/168

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Q: The denominators of 2 irreducible fractions are 600 and 700 the minimum value of denominator of their sum is?
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less than * * * * * Not quite - it does not say whether the minimum is "less than" something or something is "less than" the minimum! The minimum of a finite set of numbers is the smallest value in the set. It is a member of the set which is less than (or equal to) all members of the set. If you want a bit more, read on, otherwise the above will be fine. For an infinite set it is the largest number, which may or may not belong to the set, which is less than or equal to all members of the set. Why the distinction? Think of the set of positive integers. What is the minimum? Easy, it is 1. It is a member of the set and is less than or equal to all members of the set. So far so good. Now think of all positive fractions. The minimum? It is 0, but that is not a member of the set. On the other hand, no number bigger than 0 can be the minimum, because half that number will be a positive fraction but will be smaller than the minimum - ooops! Sometimes the minimum will be a member of the set, sometimes not - it depends on how the set is defined. Actually, the definition of the minimum is very, very important, because it forms the basis of Richard Dedekind's definition of numbers and all of number theory follows from it.

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Yes. (But not the other way round - a local minimum is not necessarily an absolute minimum.)Yes. (But not the other way round - a local minimum is not necessarily an absolute minimum.)Yes. (But not the other way round - a local minimum is not necessarily an absolute minimum.)Yes. (But not the other way round - a local minimum is not necessarily an absolute minimum.)

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Is it spelled minimumn or minimum?


How we use minimum in sentence?

Friday will be a minimum day for the students. The minimum payment was $50.00

What is the minimum wage in Kansas?

The minimum wage is $7.25, the same as federal minimum wage.

Can you give me an sentence with the word minimum?

Here are 3 examples:He earns minimum wage at work.What is the minimum for this?In 2007 the minimum wage was $5.15.

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