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There is no minimum (nor maximum) value.

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Q: What is a minimum value of a polynomial?
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Related questions

What value of a polynomial is a value for which the polynomial is smaller than any other nearby values?

A local minimum.

Which best describes a minimum value of a polynomial?

A minimum value (of any function, not just a polynomial) is a value that has a lower value than any nearby value. A global minimum is a value that is lower than ANY other value. (This answer is just a brief and informal overview; check the Wikipedia article on "maxima and minima" for a more detailed explanation.)

What is value of polynomial?

The value of a polynomial is determined by that of the variable.

What is a sentence with the word characteristic?

The minimum polynomial and its relationship to the characteristic polynomial.

What is the difference in evaluating a polynomial and solving a polynomial?

Evaluating a polynomial is finding the value of the polynomial for a given value of the variable, usually denoted by x. Solving a polynomial equation is finding the value of the variable, x, for which the polynomial equation is true.

What is the definition for the zero of a polynomial function?

The zero of a polynomial in the variable x, is a value of x for which the polynomial is zero. It is a value where the graph of the polynomial intersects the x-axis.

What best describes a root of a polynomial?

A value of the variable when the polynomial has a value of 0. Equivalently, the value of the variable when the graph of the polynomial intersects the variable axis (usually the x-axis).

A value of a polynomial is a value for which the polynomial is bigger or smaller than any other nearby values?


What are the roots of polynomial?

The "roots" of a polynomial are the solutions of the equation polynomial = 0. That is, any value which you can replace for "x", to make the polynomial equal to zero.

What is the minimum number of roots an odd powered polynomial will have?


Finding values of polynomial functions?

Substitute that value of the variable and evaluate the polynomial.

What does it mean to solve a polynomial?

Find values of the variable for which the value of the polynomial is zero.