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Q: The distance from point A to point B on a grid?
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The distance from point a to b on a grid?

The answer depends on the grid. On the taxicab grid, which was studied by Minkowski, the distance is the sum of the vertical and horizontal distances between a and b. See, for example,, a and b have horizontal and vertical coordinates which are, respectively, (xa, ya) and (xb, yb) then the grid distance is abs(xa - ya) + abs(xb - yb).

What is the distance from point A to point B in decimal form?

The answer depends on where A and B are.

Which point is not located on the xaxis or the yaxis of a coordinate grid?

Which point is not located on the xaxis or the yaxis of a coordinate grid?Read more:Which_point_is_not_located_on_the_xaxis_or_the_yaxis_of_a_coordinate_grid

If it is 100 yards from point A to point B and point C is 50 yards directly right of point A how far is it from point B to point C?

Assuming the line A to B is straight ahead, and perpendicular to the line A to C : A to B is 100 yds, A to C is 50 yds. If C is directly to the right of A, you have a right-angle triangle. The distance from C to B is the hypotenuse. To find the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle, use the formula A² + B² = C². Using the formula: A² + B² = C² 50² + 100² = C² 2500 + 10000 = C² 12500 = C² sq rt of 12500 = C 111.80339 = C (The distance from point C to point B is 111.80339 yards)

What measures distance?

There are several different metrics. The most common is the Euclidean or Pythagorean distance where if P = (a, b) and Q = (c, d) are two points in the Cartesian plane then the distance between then is sqrt[(a - c)^2 + (b - d)^2)]. Another metric is the Minkovski or taxicab measure, based on a grid structure of roads. Since you cannot travel "cross country", the distance would be |a - c|+ |b - d|.

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The distance from point a to b on a grid?

The answer depends on the grid. On the taxicab grid, which was studied by Minkowski, the distance is the sum of the vertical and horizontal distances between a and b. See, for example,, a and b have horizontal and vertical coordinates which are, respectively, (xa, ya) and (xb, yb) then the grid distance is abs(xa - ya) + abs(xb - yb).

What is the distance from point A to point B in decimal form?

The answer depends on where A and B are.

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What is the definition of distance in the element of travel?

The definition of distance is a measurement from point A to point B. As an element of travel, the time taken to go from point A to point B is the time of travel, or the time taken to cover the distance at a certain speed.

What is the difference between distance an displacement?

A distance is the length of the straight line path between 2 points. This is also known as a scalar value as it has a magnitude but no direction. A displacement is the distance and the direction between one point and another. This is also known as a vector as it has magnitude and direction as well. Note that the distance between two points, say, point A and point B is the same as the distance from point B to point A. It remains the same value regardless of the direction of travel. On the other hand, if a displacement between point A and point B was 1 mile North, it cannot be reversed. The displacement between point B and point A is 1 mile South - the same distance but an opposite direction.

Why do maps show a scale?

So you can find out the actual distance from point A to point B.

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0 to 3

What algebraic expression shows the square of the distance from point A to point B minus 81?

(B - A)2 - 81 or (B - A + 9)(B - A - 9) If the starting point, A, is taken as zero the the expression simplifies to (B + 9)(B - 9)