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Q: The equation 1 20.25 td can be used to find the number of seconds t that it takes an object to fall a distance of d feet. How long does it take an object to fall 64 feet The equation 1 20.25 td can be?
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How far does an object fall in .25 seconds?

Assuming the object starts from rest, the distance an object falls in 0.25 seconds can be calculated using the equation ( d = \frac{1}{2}gt^2 ), where (d) is the distance, (g) is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²), and (t) is the time. Substituting the values, the object would fall approximately 0.31 meters in 0.25 seconds.

What is the equation used to calculate the speed of an object?

The equation to calculate the speed of an object is speed = distance / time. This equation gives the rate at which an object is moving over a given distance in a specific amount of time.

What is the equation used to find the speed of an object?

Speed=Distance travelled by the object /Time taken to cover the distance.

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The focal length of a lens is related to the object distance and image distance by the lens equation: 1/f = 1/do + 1/di, where f is the focal length, do is the object distance, and di is the image distance. This equation describes how the lens focuses light rays from an object at a certain distance to form an image at a specific distance.

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The magnification equation for a concave mirror is given by the formula: M = - (image distance) / (object distance), where M is the magnification, image distance is the distance from the mirror to the image, and object distance is the distance from the mirror to the object. Negative magnification indicates an inverted image.

What is the equation that links the distance and speed and time of an object?

Distance = (speed) multiplied by (time)

What is the small-angle formula?

The small angle formula is used for measuring the distance to a far away object when the actual size and angular size are known, or for finding out the actual size of a faraway object when the distance to the object and angular size are known. In arc-seconds: a = 206265 x D/d where a = the angular size of the object in arc-seconds D = the actual linear size of an object in km d = the distance to the object in km 206265 = the number of arc-seconds in a complete circle divided by 2pi In Radians: a = D/d where a = angular size of object in radians

What is the distance that the object travels in the first 5 seconds?

To find the distance traveled in the first 5 seconds, we multiply the average velocity by the time traveled. If the object's velocity is constant, this distance is equal to the velocity multiplied by the time.

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The thin lens equation is a relation that describes how the distance of an object from a thin lens, the distance of the image from the lens, and the focal length of the lens are related. The equation is given by 1/f = 1/do + 1/di, where f is the focal length of the lens, do is the object distance, and di is the image distance.

What is the equation used to find the image distance?

To obtain this type of numerical information, it is necessary to use the Mirror Equation . The mirror equation expresses the quantitative relationship between the object distance (do), the image distance (di), and the focal length (f). The equation is stated as follows:1/f =1/d0 + 1/d1.

An object uniformly accelerates over a distance of 100 m in 20 seconds. What is the acceleration?

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What is the equation used to find the velocity or speed of an object?

The equation used to find the velocity of an object is v = d/t, where v is the velocity, d is the distance traveled, and t is the time taken to travel that distance.