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Q: The exterior portion of earth is the?
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When magma reaches the exterior of the Earth's crust, it becomes lava. Lava is molten rock that flows onto the surface during volcanic eruptions.

When magma reaches the exterior of the Earth's crust it becomes .?


When magma reaches the exterior of the Earth's crust is becomes .?


When magma reaches the exterior of the earth crust is become?


When magma reaches the exterior of the Earth's crust is becomes?

When magma reaches the exterior of the Earth's crust, it solidifies and cools, forming igneous rocks such as basalt or granite. This process can occur both above ground, creating volcanic rocks, or below ground, forming intrusive igneous rocks.

What is the study of earth exterior called?

The study of Earth's exterior is called geology. Geology focuses on investigating the composition, structure, and processes shaping the Earth's crust, including rocks, minerals, and landforms.