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Area = ( length of a side)2

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Q: The formula used to find surface area of a square?
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What is the formula forsurface area of a square?

To find the surface area of a square, multiply the length of the square times the width.

What is the formula to find the surface area of a cube?

You find the square in cm or mm or m or mi of one face and multiply it by all the faces and bam the surface area

How do you find the area of a three dimensional square?

A three-dimensional square is called a cube. To find the surface area of a cube, use the formula: 6 x (side length)^2.

How do you find the surface area of a parallelogram?

The formula to find the surface area of a parallelogram is Base*Height.

What is the Surface area of isosceles triangle?

Ok to find the area of an isosceles triangle: Find the height first, to do this use this formula: Height = Square root ( one side square - half the base square) Now that you have the height you can calculate the area by the use of this formula: Area = (1/2)(base)(height) This will give you the surface area of an isosceles triangle. Lets do an example: You have a triangle that has two sides that measure 24 meters and a base of 20 meters. Using the formula above for height you will get a height of 21.8 meters Now use the formula above to find the area and it will give you an area of 218 meters square

Surface area of a right cone?

The surface area of a right cone is the amount of square units that is needed to cover the surface of a cone. To find a surface area of a right cone , follow this formula S.A = 3.14rl + 3.14r(r) I hope it helped you.

How do you find the surface area of a square prism?

Okay, the last person who edited this, totally screwed up. The formula to find the surface area of a square prism is 2B+Ph, multiply the length of the width of the base to get the area, then multiply that by two. After you have multiplied the base twice, et the perimeter of the base and multiply it by the height of the square prism.

What is the formula to find surface area of a sphere?

Surface area = 4*Pi*radius2

How do you find out how long each side is on a square if the area is 100?

The formula for the area of a square is A=s2. So to find the sidelength, find the square root of the area.

Who do you find the surface area of a rectangle?

Surface area = length*width in square units

How do you find the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 5 inches?

The formula for the surface area of a sphere is 4 (pi) r2For a radius of 5 in, the surface area is4 (3.1416) (5)2 = 4 (3.1416)(25) = about 314.16 square inches

How do you find the formula of the surface area of A SQUARE PYRamid?

I'm not sure, but I think you would find the are of the base and find the area of one of the triangles and multiply the triangle one by four...I am basing this off of my 5th grade math lessons in surface area, so this may not be accurate...but you can try it and find out for me! :D