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Q: The invemtor of calculus which he used to prove his theories?
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The inventor of calculus which he used to prove his theories?


Use of calculus?

Calculus was created to prove physics which defines the laws of nature.

Is trigonometry part of calculus?

It is certainly used in calculus, just as calculus can be used in trigonometry.

What does infinitesimal calculus mean?

Infinitesimal calculus pretty much means non-rigorous calculus, i.e. calculus without the notion of limits to prove its validity. When Newton and Leibniz originally formulated calculus, they used derivatives and integrals in the same manner that they're still used today, but they provided no formalism as to how those techniques were mathematically valid, therefore causing quite a debate as to their worth. The infinitesimals themselves simply had to be accepted as valid, in and of themselves, for the theory to work.

Whose version of calculus is used in calculus textbooks?

Mainly Leibniz's and Newton's version is used in Calculus Textbooks.

Why are theories important?

If used properly, theories are the first step to research which generally leads to the attainment of knowledge, even if the theory does not pan out.

What is the difference between Newton and Leibniz calculus?

The difference between Leibniz calculus to Newton calculus was that Leibniz developed Newton's calculus into the calculus we all know today. For instance, diffentiation and intergration, limits, continuity, etc. This type of calculus was the pure mathematics. On the otherhand, the calculus which Newton found was that used in physics, such as speed and velocity which helped with physics greatly. Today, calculus not only used in just mathematics or physics, but used in finance, as well as exploited in engineering.

How is calculus used in the real world?

In the 'real world', the purpose of a course of study in pre-calculus is to prepare the student for a course of study in Calculus.

How does one postulate in mathematics?

Postulating in mathematics is simply stating stating or assuming something, usually an equation, to be true without having to prove it. This aids in the development of new mathematical theories. Commonly used postulates are Einsteins theories and his laws of the physics.

How is pre-calculus used in the real world?

In the 'real world', the purpose of a course of study in pre-calculus is to prepare the student for a course of study in Calculus.

What is important of research?

Research helps collect data or information that may be used to find patterns. Research helps to explain the world around us. Research may be used to help prove or disprove theories.

What Importance of research?

Research helps collect data or information that may be used to find patterns. Research helps to explain the world around us. Research may be used to help prove or disprove theories.