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I don't think such a term is used in calculus. Check the spelling. Perhaps you mean point of inflection?

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Q: What is a point of explosion in calculus?
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What is a calculus calculation?

If you are doing the Chicago Tribune crossword I think the answer is inflection point. Hope this helps!

What is limits in calculus?

In calculus, a limit is a value that a function or sequence approaches as the input values get closer and closer to a particular point or as the sequence progresses to infinity. It is used to define continuity, derivatives, and integrals, among other concepts in calculus. Calculus would not be possible without the concept of limits.

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That is the part of calculus that is basically concerned about calculating derivatives. A derivative can be understood as the slope of a curve. For example, the line y = 2x has a slope of 2 at any point of the line, while the parabola y = x squared has a slope of 2x at any point of the curve.

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How is calculus used?

Calculus is used a lot in business decisions. I am a Business Administration major. An examples is the break-even point in calculus. You need to know how to do this in business so you know how much of a product that you need to sell in order to cover your cost. Hope this helps some. +++ That is just one field, but Calculus is used in a huge range of scientific and engineering problems.

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Calculus; by a long shot.

What is the freezing point depression of sodium chloride?

The maximal freezing point depression for sodium chloride is -18 0C. For the theoretical calculus see the link below.