An infinitive is a grammatical term and there are probably no decimals that qualify.
The decimal for 1/3 is 0.3333..., an infinite decimal which will go on for ever, getting closer and closer to its intended value but never actually reaching it.
It is an irrational number if it can't be expressed as a fraction
Infinitive is the basic form of a verb. "Let" is the infinitive in this case.
A non-terminating decimal.
'point' or 'and' because decimal ''point''
repeating decimal
It is an irrational number if it can't be expressed as a fraction
The infinitive form of "am" is "to be," the infinitive form of "is" is "to be," and the infinitive form of "was" is "to be."
you are derives from the infinitive of to be. The infinitive that belongs to 'you are' is 'to be'.
The infinitive form of "are" is "to be."
The infinitive form of had and has is to have.
The word jogging is not simply an infinitive. An infinitive is [to + a verb]. To jog would be an infinitive.
The infinitive form of "was" and "were" is "to be." The infinitive form of "are" is also "to be."
The infinitive "to read" is a bare infinitive.
No, "so" is not an infinitive. "To be" is an example of an infinitive in English. Infinitives are the base form of a verb preceded by the word "to."
The infinitive form of "is am are" is "to be."
infinitive: namepast: namedpast participle: named
0.8 with a little line over the eight for the infinitive version. OR you can divide 9 into 8 by a calculator. Your pick :)