it tells you how many beats are in the measure
They are not fractions, but rather the time signature. The top number is the amount of beats used out of the bottom number, the total amount of beats. So in essence, yes it is a fraction
A musical note that contains three beats is called a dotted half note.
4. Syllables are the number of beats in a word. VAC SI NAY SHUN There are four beats in vaccination.
The noun 'beats' is plural for the singular 'beat', a rhythmic unit of music or poetry.
Pulse rate.
time signature
iambic pentameter
The number of heart beats 300 beats per minute.
One term used in both poetry and music is "meter." Meter refers to the rhythmic structure of a piece, typically indicated by the number and arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry and by the organization of beats in music.
A grouping of beats in a song is called a chord.
Two heart beats .
Nabati poetry is also known as "the people's poetry" and "Bedouin poetry".
Just that - a Poetry Reading.
A bar. Music is written with x number of beats in a bar