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Q: The number that is the result of multiplying 2 or more factors?
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What is the number called that is multiplied by a different number?

The word you are probably looking for is 'factor'. The result of multiplying two or more factors is called the quotient. Example: 2 x 3 = 6 Two and three are factors of the quotient six.

Distribute Property?

According to this property, multiplying the sum of two or more addends by a number will give the same result as multiplying each addend individually by the number and then adding the products together.

What is the product of 80?

A product is the result of multiplying two or more numbers. A single number cannot have a product.

What does prime mean in multaplication?

A prime number is a number that has only 2 factors, itself, and 1. For multiplying, your product is always a composite number, a number that has 3 or more factors. 1 is neither, 2 is neither.

What is the effect of multiplying a given measurement by one or more conversion factors?

The effect of multiplying a given measurement by one or more conversion factors the value may be changed.

What's a example of a distribute property?

What Is Distributive Property? According to this property, multiplying the sum of two or more addends by a number will give the same result as multiplying each addend individually by the number and then adding the products together.

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What is a number multiplied by another number to find a product is called?

This would be called a "factor". A number may be made by multiplying two or more other numbers together. The numbers that are multiplied together are called factors of the final number.

What is a number that can be created by multiplying more than itself times one?

A composite number.

Why isn't any number prime?

Because all of the numbers that can be made by multiplying two or more prime factors together will by definition not be prime. One cannot be considered a prime factor.

What is the maximum number of factors a number can have?

There is no upper limit. For example, take the powers of 2: 1 has 1 factor (1), 2 has two factors (1, 2), 4 has 3 factors (1, 2, 4), 8 has 4 factors (1, 2, 4, 8), etc.; you can keep multiplying indefinitely by 2, to add one more factor.

A number with 3 or more factors?

A composite number has three or more factors.