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Q: The order of the addends or factors does not change the result is what property?
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What is the commutive property of a addition?

According to the commutative property of addition, the order of the addends does not affect the result. Thus, A + B = B + A

Distribute Property?

According to this property, multiplying the sum of two or more addends by a number will give the same result as multiplying each addend individually by the number and then adding the products together.

What's a example of a distribute property?

What Is Distributive Property? According to this property, multiplying the sum of two or more addends by a number will give the same result as multiplying each addend individually by the number and then adding the products together.

Is total of addends is called the sum?

Yes, it is.

What is the result of addition of addends called?

Simply an addend sum.

What is the number that is the result of adding two or more addends is called the..?


Is shredding a newspaper a result of a chemical property?

No, shredding a newspaper is a physical change, not a chemical property. Chemical properties describe how a substance reacts with other substances to form new substances, while shredding a newspaper only changes its physical form without altering its chemical composition.

What can you say about your estimated sum when you decrease both addends when rounding to add?

When you decrease both addends when rounding to add, the estimated sum will also be decreased. Rounding down the addends will result in a smaller value for the estimated sum.

What is a number added to another number?

The two numbers that are being added are each called addends, and the result is called a sum.

Does changing the grouping of factors change the sum?

No, but if you're talking about factors, the result is a product. (a × b) × c = a × (b × c)

Is iron rusting physical or a chemical property?

Chemical. Something else is created as a result, and the composition does change, making it a chemical change.

What is it when adding three numbers and regrouping gives the same sum?

It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.