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According to the commutative property of addition, the order of the addends does not affect the result. Thus,

A + B = B + A

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Q: What is the commutive property of a addition?
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No. It is not.

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What are the rules of commutive property?

well me na no.. thats why am askin' u jackass???? well me na no.. thats why am askin' u jackass????

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The reflexive property of relations is not the same as the addition property of equality.

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Addition, by itself, does not have a distributive property. Multiplication has a distributive property over addition, according to which: a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c

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Addition, by itself, does not have a distributive property. Multiplication has a distributive property over addition, according to which: a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c

What is like commutative property of addition?

The commutative property of addition can be stated as: a+b = b+a

What are all of the Properties of Addition name them all.?

identity property of addition associative property

What is the property of addition states that numbers can be added in any order?

It is the commutative property of addition.