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The length is 10 meters and the width is 5 meters

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Q: The perimeter of a rectangular field is 30 meters. The width is one-half the length.If the length and width are whole numbers what are the dimensions of the field?
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6 in by 8 in by 10 in.

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to get the perimeter you take 12 x 2 and 22 x 2 get those numbers then add them and you have your perimeter

All possible whole number dimensions for rectangle with perimeter of 10 units?

If the dimensions are restricted to whole numbers, then the only possibilities are 1 x 4 and 2 x 3.

Are prime numbers rectangular in shape?

No, they are the only numbers that are NOT rectangular in shape. (I think you knew this and screwed up your question.) That is, all non-primes can be arranged into the form of a rectangle - e.g. 21 can be organized as a rectangle with dimensions of 3 x 7. But prime numbers cannot be organized as rectangles.

What set of dimensions is possible for a rectangular prism with volume 336 in 3?

There are, of course, infinitely many solutions here. Choose any two positive numbers for the first two dimensions. Then divide 336 by the product of the two numbers, to get the third dimension.

What is the relationship between composite numbers and rectangular numbers?

Rectangular numbers are a subset of composite numbers. The squares of prime numbers will be composite but not rectangular.

What is a rectangular number sequence?

A rectangular number sequence is the sequence of numbers of counters needed to construct a sequence of rectangles, where the dimensions of the sides of the rectangles are whole numbers and change in a regular way. The individual sequences representing the sides are usually arithmetic progressions, but could in principle be given by difference equations, geometric progressions, or functions of the dimensions of the sides of previous rectangles in the sequence.

A boy wanted to make a quilt Perimeter was forty two What are its possible dimensions if they must be whole Numbers and which lengua and with make most sense for a Quilt?


What are the second and third rectangular numbers?

The second and third rectangular numbers are 6 and 12

What are the dimensions of 25 and 12?

25 and 12 are numbers. Numbers do not have dimensions.