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Q: The point at which two chromatids joined is called what?
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What is the point of attachment between two chromatids?

The point of attatchment between two chromatids is called the centromere. When two chromatids are connected, it is called a chromosome which is essential in DNA replication, or, mitosis.

Is the attachment point of two sisters chromatids?

Chiasmata, coz they didnt say two chromatids (most probably)

Two chromatids of a chromosome are attached at a point called?

The chromatids of a chromosome are attached at a point called the centromere. The centromere is a region where the two chromatids are closely aligned and hold together until they separate during cell division.

Before cell division begins each chromosomes consists of two identical joined chromosomes called?

Before cell division begins, each chromosome consists of two identical joined chromatids called sister chromatids. Each sister chromatid contains an identical copy of the chromosome's DNA molecule.

When a double helix DNA is replicated two complete helices are formed together these helices are called sister?

chromatids. They are identical copies of the original DNA molecule.

Why do chromosomes resemble the letter X when viewed during methaphase?

Because there are two sister chromatids joined at a point in the middle (the centromere).

The point at which two chromatids are attached to each other in a chromosome is called?


What is the structure at the center of the chromosomes where sister chromatids are attached?

The structure at the center of the chromosomes where sister chromatids are attached is called the centromere. It serves as a point of attachment for the spindle fibers during cell division and helps in the proper segregation of genetic material to daughter cells.

A duplicated chromosome consists of two?

Two sister-chromatids.Each chromatid consists of a molecule of DNA together with associated proteins. There are two DNA molecules (sister-chromatids) following the replication of DNA midway through the preceding interphase. The sister-chromatids are therefore genetically identical.chromatidschromatidsThe two identical joined chromosomes before cell division begins is called sister chromatids.

What are the two chromatids of a chromosome are attached at a point?


What is the name of the point at which the two halves of duplicated chromosomes are connected?

The point where the two halves of duplicated chromosomes are connected is called the centromere. It plays a key role in chromosome segregation during cell division by ensuring that each daughter cell receives the correct number of chromosomes.

What two cones connected at the point called?

Double cone is two cones joined at their apex.