Two pairs of chromatids lying side by side are referred to as a tetrad.
The point of attatchment between two chromatids is called the centromere. When two chromatids are connected, it is called a chromosome which is essential in DNA replication, or, mitosis.
Trapezoids have only one pair of parallel sides. A parallelogram has two pair of parallel sides.
A trapezoid has one pair of parallel side and can have two adjacent angles that are right.
They have two pairs of sides that are parallel. Trapeziums have exactly one pair of sides that are parallel.
The term for the two sets of chromatids is sister chromatids. Sister chromatids are two identical copies of a single chromosome formed during the S phase of the cell cycle.
1 centromere for every pair of chromatids
Somatic cell chromosome is made of two identical chromatids
Crossing over involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. Each homologous pair consists of four chromatids (two from each chromosome), and crossing over occurs between a pair of chromatids from each homologous chromosome. This results in the exchange of genetic material between the chromatids.
A bivalent contains two duplicated homologous chromosomes.
A bivalent.Sister chromatids are normally joined at the centromere. When homologous chromosomes pair, the two sister chromatids of one chromosome join with the two sister chromatids of the other chromosome. So it is really the joining of non-sister chromatids that is special.The word "bivalent" refers to the temporary combining of the two chromosomes (four chromatids). The bivalent forms in prophase I of meiosis, and is split in anaphase I.
Sister chromatids are two copies of a replicated chromosome. Chromosomes occur in pairs. These will be separated in anaphase of mitosis and one chromatid pair will be left for each daughter cell.
A centromere and a pair of sister chromatids
All tetrads contain four chromatids. Each "leg" is one chromatid.2Tetrad = 2 homologous chromosomes1 homologous chromosome has 2 chromatids joined together by a centromere.That means that there are four chromatids in a tetrad
A bivalent at the beginning of prophase I is composed of two homologous chromosomes that have already replicated into sister chromatids. Each homologous chromosome consists of two sister chromatids joined by a centromere. The bivalent forms as the homologous chromosomes pair up and undergo synapsis.
Homologous chromosomes is a pair made of a paternal and maternal chromosomes. But sister chromatid is either pairs of paternal or maternal chromosomes
In prophase I, doubled homologous chromosomes group together to form a tetrad.