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P (E) = 1/1+e(EF - E) / KT

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Q: The probability of occupation P (E) of an energy level E by an electron is given by?
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What name is given to a region of an electron probability density graph where the probability of finding the electron is zero?

The region of zero electron density is called a "node."

The size and shape of an electron cloud are most closely related to the electron's what?

The size and shape of an electron cloud are most closely related to the electron's energy level and angular momentum, which determine the orbitals in which the electrons are most likely to be found. The electron cloud represents the region where there is a high probability of finding the electron at any given time.

Quantum mechanics can be used to calculate the probability of an electron's what at any given time?

An electron's location or momentum, but not both.

What happens to an electron if it is given energy?

If an electron is given energy, it can move to a higher energy level or even be ejected from the atom altogether, depending on the amount of energy it receives. This process is known as excitation or ionization.

Does a electron cloud have a specific size?

The electron cloud of an atom does not have a specific size. It represents the region in which an electron is most likely to be found around the nucleus, based on its probability distribution. The size of the electron cloud is not well-defined and can vary depending on the specific energy level and quantum state of the electron.

In the modern quantum based atomic theory what is the name given to a particular space around the nucleus in which an electron moves?

In modern quantum-based atomic theory, the space around the nucleus in which an electron moves is known as an electron cloud or orbital. This is a region of space where there is a high probability of finding the electron. The electron cloud is described by the probability density function of the electron's position in the atom.

The space in which electrons are likely to be found is called the?

It is called the electron cloud, the volume in which electrons are most likely to be found. This area is given by Schrodinger's wave equation, which defines psi, the wave function, which squared (psi2) is the probability density. Thus, high probability density equates high electron density. so get over it!

Where is the location of an electron in an electron cloud?

An electron cloud represents the area around an atomic nucleus where electrons are likely to be found. The location of an electron in an electron cloud is described by its probability of being in a particular region, rather than a specific point. The electron cloud is a visual representation of the probability distribution of an electron's position in an atom.

Where do the electrons of a atom stay?

Electrons in an atom are found outside the nucleus in specific energy levels or orbitals. They are constantly moving in a cloud-like arrangement around the nucleus. The exact location of an electron at any given moment is described by its probability distribution.

What do we call a region in space where an electron with a particular energy is likely to be found?

We could use the term orbital if it refers to an electron bound in an atom. The term atomic orbital or electron orbital might be applied in this case. They are areas of probability where, because an electron has a given energy, it may be more likely to be found. Got a link to the Wikipedia on atomic orbitals for ya. Check it out and gain in knowledge.

Where can electrons be located at any time?

According to quantum theory, we can never know the exact location of an electron at any given time. If the electron is part of an atom, the best we can do is state the probability that the electron can be found within a given region about the nucleus. Often that information is good enough for our purposes.

What does an electron cloud show?

That depends on how it's drawn. It may give some idea of the probability of finding an electron in a given location, or it may just show the region of space where the electron is likely to be found. If it looks like a bunch of individual dots, the density of the dots gives some indication of the probability (the closer together the dots are in a region, the higher the probability of finding the electron in that region). If it looks like a solid object (or a collection of solid objects), it's just the region(s) where the probability is over some value.