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The probability is very close to zero.

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Q: What is the probability that Beta minus decay will occur on a given neutron in a given second?
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What is released when a proton and electron are forced together?

This is called inverse beta decay and it forms a neutron. Normally a neutron will decay into a proton and electron, but the opposite will happen given enough energy. Coincidentally, this is how neutron stars are formed (the immense pressure from gravity overcomes the force separating protons and electrons.)

Why the concept of nuclear cross section is so frequently used in nuclear physics?

A nuclear cross section is a "technical" way of saying how large a "target" a given atomic nucleus presents to an incoming neutron. And we need to know that about different elements, and about the different isotopes of those elements. There are some other applications, but this is the "biggie" for the use of the term nuclear cross section. And we need to start with the idea that fission begins with a neutron entering an atomic nucleus to cause fission. If your model of nuclear fission is a cue ball breaking a rack of billliard balls, we need to refine it. Get you from the "B" grade to an "A" grade in physics. A neutron doesn't "smash" an atomic nucleus. It is captured by it (neutron capture) and an instability results. A neutron released in the fission process comes away from the fission event like a bullet out of a gun. Because it is moving so "fast" it has a low probability of being captured. It needs to undergo some scattering (little "collisions" with other atomic nuclei) to slow it down (thermalize it). The thermal neutron has a higher probability of being captured by a given nucleus and causing another fission, if it is captured by a fissionable atom. We've seen how the energy of the neutron affects its probability of being captured, but it turns out that different elements present a different sized "target" for the neutron. The size depends on the energy of that neutron, but also on the element being targeted, and which isotope of that element is under consideration. To repeat, each element has a different nuclear cross section (target size) for a neutron (of a given energy), and each isotope of a given element has a different nuclear cross section (for that same given neutron energy). Three things are at work. The energy of the neutron aside, the element and the different isotopes of each element have different probabilities of capturing a neutron of a given energy. The nuclear cross section is a measure of the "receptivity" of a given nucleus to an incoming neutron. It's that probability of capture. That's it in a nutshell. Links can be found below.

Why is Radioactive decay is said to be random?

The underlying truth in radioactive decay is that on an individual basis, no unstable atom will have a predictable time until it will decay. We understand and characterize the decay of radionuclides on the basis of statistical analysis. Only by looking at a large number of atoms of a given isotope of a given element and counting the decay events over time can we quantify the decay rate. The term half-life is used to state (based on the statistics) when half of a given quantity of a substance will have undergone radioactive decay. Note that atoms are incredibly tiny things, and even if we have very tiny quantities of a given radioactive material, we'll have huge numbers of atoms of that material in the sample. The larger the number of atoms of material and the longer we count the decay events, the more accurate our half-life value will be. Having said all that, no one can predict when a given atom of any radionuclide will decay. Each is different, and that is the basis for the random nature of nuclear or radioactive decay.

What is the meaning of random variable in probability distribution?

It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.

What is the probability that the first card drawn is a spade given that the second card drawn is a spade?

It is 156/663 = 0.2353, approx.

Which of the following measures the radiation given off by atoms per second?

The unit used to measure the radiation given off by atoms per second is the becquerel (Bq). A becquerel is defined as one radioactive decay event per second.

How does one find the probability of A given B compliment?

P(A given B')=[P(A)-P(AnB)]/[1-P(B)].In words: Probability of A given B compliment is equal to the Probability of A minus the Probability of A intersect B, divided by 1 minus the probability of B.

What atmost means in probability?

all probabilities smaller than the given probability ("at most") all probabilities larger than the given probability ("at least")

The probability of event A occurring given event B has occurred is an example of?

The probability of event A occurring given event B has occurred is an example of conditional probability.

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The probability is 1.The probability is 1.The probability is 1.The probability is 1.

What is theoretical probability mathematical wise?

Theoretical probability:Theoretical probability is when you decide what is the probability of something using the information that is given to you!

How does quantum mechanics explain transition probability?

Quantum mechanics explains transition probability through the concept of wave functions, which describe the probability distribution of finding a particle in a given state. When a system undergoes a transition from one state to another, the transition probability is related to the overlap between the initial and final wave functions of the system. This overlap determines the likelihood of the transition occurring.