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"The square" or "second power".

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Q: The product of a number and itself is called what of a number?
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What is a whole number that can be named as a product of a number with itself called?

If it is product of an integer with itself, it is called a perfect square. Otherwise it has no name because all numbers are the product of some number with itself - viz the square root.

What do you call a product of a number multiplied by itself?

It'd be the product squared, since you're multiplying it by itself. the product of a number multiplied by itself is called an Exponent, Power or Square Number

What is the product of a number multiplied by itself called?

square number

The product of a number multiplied by itself is what?

It is called a Square Number or a Square.

What is the product of a counting number itself called?

A perfect square.

A whole number that can be named as a product of a number with itself?

What is a whole number that can be named as a product of a number with itself?

What is a whole number that can be named as a product of a number with itself?

A perfect square is a whole number that can be named as a product of a number with itself.

What is a Number that is a product of a number and itself?

A number for which the only two factors of the number are itself and 1 is prime.

What is a number that is the product of a whole number and itself?


What is the product of the prime factors of 1476?

The product of the prime factors of a number is the number itself.

A number that is multiplied to itself to form a product?

Multiplying a number by itself is called "squaring". Ex. "What is the square of 5?" Answer: 25 And when you calculate, from the square (25) what the original number was, it is called "finding the square root." Ex. "What is the square root of 25?" Answer: 5.

What are the squared numbers?

1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144! A square number is the answer to a number multiplied by itself. eg. 2x2=4 therefore 4 is the square number the square root, therefore, has to be two!