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Multiplying a number by itself is called "squaring". Ex. "What is the square of 5?" Answer: 25 And when you calculate, from the square (25) what the original number was, it is called "finding the square root." Ex. "What is the square root of 25?" Answer: 5.

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Q: A number that is multiplied to itself to form a product?
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What is a number that is mutiplied by another number to form a product?

Any number multiplied by another number forms a product.

A number or polynomial that is multiplied by another number to form a product?

Is also a number or polynomial.

What is the expanded form of 5 cubed?

The expanded form is 5*5*5. Remember, cubed means the number multiplied by itself twice times, and squared is the number multiplied by itself once, or 5*5.

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In exponential form, 7 times itself 9 additional times (7x7x7x7x7x7x7x7x7x7) is: 710 To get the exponential form from the example above, start with 1 and add 1 for each additional repeat of the number being multiplied by itself. Once found, put a superscript of that number after the number being multiplied by itself. In the above situation, 7 was multiplied by itself a total of 9 times, so 9 + 1 = 10.

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The same number is multiplied with itself to form a perfect square i.e. a perfect square has real and repeated equal numbers as factors.

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Any fraction can be multiplied by a whole number so that the product is a whole number. Simply multiply the fraction (in rational form) by its denominator.

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A product in exponential form is:x2= x multiplied x

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No, two negatives multiplied together always form a positive number.

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What is product of the form in math?

When two or more numbers are multiplied the result is the product.

What the exponential form?

It is the same number multiplied by itself. It can look like this 10^3,which means 10*10*10 = 1,000

Can you help me explain 14 squared Write in standard form?

Any number, squared, is the number multiplied by itself. So 142 = 14*14. And that, is 196.