

Best Answer

The obverse (front) of a coin. You need to fix that keyboard.

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Q: The results of a coin toss are shown what is heads?
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What is the probablity that the sequence will be heads-heads-heads if you toss a coin 3 times?

the probability of getting heads-heads-heads if you toss a coin three times is 1 out of 9.

You count 58 heads when you toss a coin 10 times. If you don't know whether the coin is fair what is the probability that the next toss will be heads?

If you toss a coin 10 times and count 58 heads, you know the coin is NOT fair.

When you toss a coin the probability that it will land heads up is 25 percent?

No, when you toss a coin there is a 50 percent chance it will land heads up.

Was coin toss heads or tails?


Was the coin toss in the 2011 pro bowl heads or tails?

It was heads.

Was the 2012 pro bowl coin toss heads or tails?


What is the probability that it will land heads up on the sixth toss?

The probability of a coin landing on heads is 0.5. It does not matter which toss it is, and it does not matter what the toss history was.

Toss a fair coin 10 times. If you know that at least 7 heads are tossed, what is the probability that your first toss is heads?

Knowing the results in advance, there is a 7/10 chance that the first toss is heads. In this case "seven out of ten" is quite literal. The first toss is one of the 10, and 7 of them came up heads, so 7/10 is the chance that this particular one is one of the heads.

Was the 2012 AFC championship game coin toss heads or tails?


What was called in the 2009 super bowl coin toss... and what was the outcome... heads or tails?

It was heads

What is the probability of getting heads when you toss a coin?

50% or 1/2. There is 1 heads on a coin (numerator) There are 2 sides on a coin (denominator)

What is the chance of getting heads when you toss a coin?

Probability = 0.5