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Unique Item Identifier

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Q: The set of data elements marked on items that are globally unique?
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What are the additional elements?

Additional elements can refers to supplementary items, components, chemicals or substances

Who must ensure items are properly identified marked labeled and all paperwork is correct?

The packager

How do you check whether the number is unique number?

There are several ways to either confirm that a given number is unique, or confirm that it is a duplicate of some number already on a list.Unique on a short list1) Compare the given number to each and every number on the list, one at a time, to see if the given number is already on the list. This is the best method for a short list of numbers.Unique on a long list2) If you are building a very long list of numbers, and you want to make sure that every number on the list is unique, sort the initial list of numbers and then do a binary search to see if the given number is already on the list. If it's not already there, then insert the new number in the appropriate place that keeps the list sorted.3) If you already have a very long list of numbers, and you want to see if each and every number on that list is unique, sort the list and then scan the sorted list for duplicates (which will be consecutive). This is quick and easy to do with the "sort" and "uniq" command-line tools.To generate a new list that only has the *unique* items in the original list (if any item is duplicated, that item is entirely left out of the second list):cat in.txt | sort | uniq -u | tee uniques.txtTo generate a new list that lists only the *duplicated* items in the original list (but every item in the new list is unique in that new list, because it leaves out the second, third, etc. duplicates of the repeated items):cat in.txt | sort | uniq -d | tee duplicates.txtIf that command doesn't print out anything, you can be sure that every item in the original list was unique.To generate a new list that has both the *unique* items *and* the *duplicated* items -- i.e., *every* item in the original list exactly once (leaving out the second, third, etc. duplicates of repeated items), so every item in the new list is unique in that new list:cat in.txt | sort -u | tee uniquified.txtUniversally unique4) Sometimes you want a number that is globally unique, that no other human has ever seen before.It's not possible to directly compare some given number with every number that any human has ever seen before If someone gives you a number, it's usually not possible to check after-the-fact if this is a unique number that only you two have seen, or if that someone gave you a copy of some old number that has been well-known by dozens of other people for decades.However, it is possible to build a process that generates "new" numbers that are almost certainly unique, such that it is practically impossible that any human has ever seen it before.(Such processes often involve "/dev/random", hardware random number generators, cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generators, or some combination of them).Such processes are used to generate a universally unique identifier (UUID),such as a globally unique identifier (GUID).Generating such numbers is quick and easy to do with the "uuidgen" command-line tool (spelled "uuid_generate" on some systems).uuidgen | tee unique_number.txt

How to work out mode?

Take your dataArrange it so that you can count or tally the occurrence of each unique data itemFinalise your tally - the unique data item with the highest count is the mode.Sometimes you may find that you have more than one mode - i.e. there are two or more unique data items that have the same highest tally

What factors detremine the order of items in a news bulletin?

news values are key here. the news item that has most of the news elements should be placed first. it is assumed that the most important news items will come first.

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What is a master NWRM list?

The ser of data elements marked on items that are globally unique

Do items marked made in Japan predate items marked Japan?

No.. it's the other way around.

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Unique items on gosupermodel?

You can find them in the vintage shop or you can trade them with a model. bbbxochickxo101 and taylor778 have a ton of unique items but they wont trade them ~Bbbxochickxo101~

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How do you date china marked foreign?

You probably have seen porcelain or other items marked "Foreign" and wondered what that meant. The Congress of the United States passed the McKinley Tariff Act on October 1, 1890. It imposed tariffs on imports and demanded that the name of the country or origin be stamped or printed on items imported into the United States. Beginning in 1893, every item that was imported into the United States had to be marked "Foreign". Due to a revision in 1914, all items after 1923 had to be marked with a complete mark. If any item was not marked according to the law, it would be turned back at customs.This is for U.S. items only !!

What are some unique uses for shrink wrap?

Shrinkwrap has been used to construct temporary shelters, such as after the disaster in Haiti. It can also be used for seasonal storage to protect large items that are left outside in the elements.

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What years was the word nippon used on porcelain?

There was a segment on the Antiques Roadshow about porcelain. Their website re-airs all the appraisals. You can search porcelain/Nippon and see what pops up: In 1891 the federal government required all items being imported to be marked with the country of origin. In 1914 they required items to be marked "made in" and the country of orign. Then in 1921 the government said that "Nippon" was a foreign language name and required items be marked in English thus items had to be marked Japan. So items marked "Nippon" are from 1891 to 1921. Note unmarked pieces may be from this time period and had paper labels that are now missing or were made for the local marked and not marked for export.

What are the additional elements?

Additional elements can refers to supplementary items, components, chemicals or substances