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Q: The set of natural numbers their inverses and zero?
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What is the next set of numbers after counting numbers?

The immediate [next] superset is, trivially, the set of natural numbers which consists of the counting numbers and zero. The next significant superset is the set of integers: the counting numbers, their additive inverses (or negatives) and zero.

What letter represents the set of integers?

The set of integers consists of zero, the natural numbers and their additive inverses. This is often denoted by a boldface Z ("Z") standing for the German word Zahlen, "numbers".

What is a set of numbers including zero and all the counting numbers?

Whole numbers are the set of natural or counting numbers inclding zero

What is a set of natural numbers and zero?

The set of natural numbers plus zero is the set of all non-negative integers. Please note that the definition for the set of natural numbers is ambiguous. Some definitions include zero, while others exclude it.

What are integers and how are they operational functional in expressions and equations?

Integers comprise the set of counting numbers, their additive inverses and zero. They are not operational functionals.

What are all the whole numbers?

Whole Numbers are simply the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …(and so on)The set is infinite.

What is the Set of natural numbers and zero?


What is a set of numbers conttaining all natural numbers and natural negative numbers including zero?

The set of integers, Z.

A member of the set that includes natural numbers and zero?

The extended set of natural numbers, or the non-negative integers.

The set of whole numbers includes zero but the natural numbers do not?


The set of numbers that includes the natural numbers their opposites and zero?

These are the integers.

What is the set of whole numbers and their additive inverses called?

The set of integers.