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The roots of the equation

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Q: The solutions of an equation are often called what?
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What are the values of the variable that make an equation true called?

They are called the "solutions" of the equation.

What is the answer to a equation or problem called?

It is the solution or sometimes solutions when an equation or a problem has been solved.

Can you solve for a variable in a equation?

Yes, that is often possible. It depends on the equation, of course - some equations have no solutions.

What are the values called at which the equation equals zero?

They are called the solutions or roots of the equations.

What are the roots of a quadratic equation called?

Either "roots" or "solutions".

An equation where the graph of all solutions lies on a line is called?


In general when solving a radical equation should you first isolate the radical and then both sides?

It often helps to isolate the radical, and then square both sides. Beware of extraneous solutions - the new equation may have solutions that are not part of the solutions of the original equation, so you definitely need to check any purported solutions with the original equation.

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What is infinite solutions?

The equation or a system of equations having infinite solutions is called identity/identities. (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2 is an identity. It has infinite solutions. The equation is true for all values of a and b.

If an equation is an identity how many solutions does it have?

An identity equation has infinite solutions.

Do you need to put a plus or minus sign in front of a square root answer you get from finding the inverse of a quadratic equation?

Yes. Quite often, if you don't, you'll lose solutions. That is, the transformed equation - after taking square roots - will have less solutions than the original equation.

What do you call the set of solutions that satisfy a given equation?

That's called the "solution set".