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It is the solution or sometimes solutions when an equation or a problem has been solved.

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Q: What is the answer to a equation or problem called?
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an equation.

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That's called an equation.That's called an equation.That's called an equation.That's called an equation.

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Reasonable solution or Reasonable answer

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You solve the equation.

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There was no word problem, so it would be a null equation.

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The graph of a quadratic equation is called a parabola.The graph of a quadratic equation is called a parabola.The graph of a quadratic equation is called a parabola.The graph of a quadratic equation is called a parabola.

What is the answer to an equation problem?

you have to write down the equation first so people can answer it

What type of math probkems is 3x plus 6 equals 9x-6?

That type of math problem is called an algebraic equation.

Why is linear equations called linear equations?

Because its linear and the equation is a problem to solve

What is a solution to an equation?

It is the answer to a mathematical problem.

What is an equation that has no solution called?

An equation that has no solution is called an equation that has no solution.