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It is a law.

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Q: The statement 2 plus 2 equals 4 would be considered a what in the science world?
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Is a law in science considered as an attitude?

The laws of science are not attitudes, they are specific, confirmed observations about the natural world.

Is mythology considered science?

Mythology is the study of myths (the lore of ancient people). Science is an enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the natural world. No, mythology is not considered science.

Why is Robert hooke considered to be important figure in the world of animal and plant science?

because he was a scientist who was dealing with cells.

Why is physics considered as basic science?

Because it is the most basic way of descriping the world.

Explain why physics is considered a basic science?

Physics is considered a basic science because it seeks to understand the fundamental principles that govern the natural world. It focuses on investigating basic concepts such as matter, energy, motion, and forces, which provide a foundation for other branches of science and technology. By studying physics, we gain insights into the underlying principles that shape the universe.

Is geography a natural science or a social science?

Recently, scientists attached great importance to geographical researches of society, therefore, geography is considered to be a social science in many parts of the world. But geography is a science about surroundings by its nature.

Would things like dark matter be considered magic in science and sorcery?

Yes. Everything explained in the science world is sorcery. Even converting rocks into bread or water into wine can be explained.

The process of learning more about the nature world is?

Science, The process of learning more about the natural world is Science.

Is history considered a social science?

Yes, history is considered a social science because it involves the study of human societies, behaviors, and interactions over time. It analyzes past events and their impact on societies, cultures, and individuals, making it a valuable field in understanding human development and the forces that shape our world today.

Is philosophy considered a science?

No, philosophy is not considered a science. While both disciplines aim to understand the world and address fundamental questions, they do so using different methodologies and approaches. Philosophy focuses on questions of existence, knowledge, values, ethics, and reasoning, while science is more concerned with empirically testing and investigating the natural world.

What is the opposite of science fiction?

The opposite of science fiction is typically considered to be realism or non-fiction. Science fiction often involves speculative elements and futuristic technology, while realism focuses on portraying events and experiences as they could occur in the real world.

Can physics be called science?

Yes, physics is considered a science because it uses the scientific method to study and interpret the natural world. It relies on observation, experimentation, and mathematical models to understand the fundamental principles governing the behavior of matter and energy.