9 (81 + 64 = 145)
145 square meters is 1,560.76 square feet.
The factors of 145 are 1, 5, 29, and 145.
step 1: list all of the prime numbers that go into 36 and 145. 2*2*3*3=36 5*29=145 step 2: find all the common prime numbers between both sets. because there are no common prime numbers, the answer has to be 1.
Prime numbers between 135 and 145 are: 137 and 139.
The three numbers 149, 151 and 157 are the prime numbers between 145 and 160.
9 (81 + 64 = 145)
Yes, in so far as all numbers are squares (of some number). But it is not a perfect square.
There are infinitely many numbers between any two numbers. But there are only 9 integers between them.
The perfect squares are 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121 and 144.
5x - x = 116so4x = 116sox = 29 and 5x = 145
Ralph likes numbers that are square numbers.
prime numbers of 145 = 5, 29the product of 5 and 29 = 145
The square root of 145 is about 12.04 (just above the integer square of 12).
The square root of 145 is 12.04 (approx). Since the square root of 144 is 12, it is easy to approximate the square root of 145 because 145 is only very slightly higher than 144.